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ORCCA Properties

We are passionate about helping families             achieve their dream of home ownership  

What is Rent-To-Own Program

Rent-to-own is like a blend of renting and buying a house. You start by renting the place, just like usual, but with an added option to buy it later, at a set price. While renting, we work with you to improve your finances and to get ready to own the place.

Key benefits of Rent-To-Own

Rent-to-Own offers a path to home ownership by renting initially, then transitioning to ownership, often with built-in equity accumulation
Our Rent-to-Own agreements typically require a minimum down payment, often equivalent to 3% of the home's purchase price or $10,000 whichever is higher
Boost your credit score and financial standing by responsibly managing a rent-to-own agreement, securing your future home ownership success
Savings in Rent-to-Own: build equity while renting, eventually own the property, and potentially save on future purchase costs
Locking in the purchase price in rent-to-own ensures stability, shielding you from market fluctuations and securing a predictable future investment
Stability in rent-to-own offers consistent monthly payments, allowing tenants to budget effectively and plan for future home ownership

How to Apply for Rent-To-Own?

Find Out If You Are Eligible

Find out if our Program is the right product for you by filling out the short questionnaire in the Rent-To-Own section

Submit Your Application

Once your form is received, ORCCA's professional team will contact you to answer any questions and discuss how this Program can work for you

Start Your Journey With Us

We work with you to achieve Home Ownership!

Why Choose Us?

At ORCCA Properties, our Rent-To-Own Program is more than just a transaction; it is a journey toward fulfilling dreams. As highly educated real estate investors and immigrants in Canada, we understand the significance of owning a home. With transparency, honesty, and integrity at our core, backed by over 20 years of combined experience, our dedicated team ensures your success. Trust ORCCA for a path to homeownership paved with expertise, empathy, and unwavering support.

Secure your future, rent-to-own now!